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MMC is A Certified Green Business

Mount Madonna Center and Mount Madonna Institute are proud to be a Certified Green Business by the California Green Business Network.

What does it mean to be a Certified Green Business?

As a Certified Green Business, Mount Madonna Center cares about sustainability and is “taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations… Our business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.”
working in the garden

What are some ways that MMC engages in sustainable practices?

  • Reduce Water Use: The majority of laundry is done offsite. Residents and guests are all asked to launder clothes offsite to save precious water resources. We request that guests BYOT “Bring your own towel” to significantly cut down on on-site water usage.
  • Conserve Energy: We conserve energy by utilizing timers on our building lights and select energy efficient light bulbs.
  • Use Non-Toxic Cleaners: Our Karma Yogis and Housekeeping Staff use Non-Toxic products like Bon Ami, Seventh Generation All Purpose Cleaner and Glass Cleaner, and Vinegar to clean.
  • Reduce Waste: Meal counts are carefully taken so that excess food is not cooked. Vegetables from the garden are used in the kitchen whenever available. Additionally, we compost at MMC. With composting, food scraps and floral remnants from our flower department do not go to waste.
  • Recycle: Our MMC recycling crew ensures that glass, cans, plastic containers, and other recyclables are properly recycled.
  • Hire Local Vendors: Whenever possible we use local companies to supply food and products needed at the Center. Hired staff, like our Housekeeping staff, are all local community members.

This by no means is an exhaustive list of MMC’s actions as a green business, but rather a few examples. We are excited to keep expanding our green business initiatives and will continue to make changes with conservation in mind.

THANK YOU! We are grateful to showcase our green business practices to guests and visitors. Thank you for supporting Mount Madonna Center and its businesses; including: Kaya Kalpa Wellness CenterAyurveda World, and Oceanview Books & Gifts. By staying and shopping with us you are supporting Green Business. Kudos! We appreciate you joining our efforts of sustainability.

The Author

  • Our community writers are accomplished authors who share their passion for yoga, mindfulness, and wellness through insightful articles on our website. Their writing offers actionable insights and personal stories of transformation, all written with clarity, compassion, and a deep commitment to helping others thrive. Whether teaching yoga or volunteering in the community, our writers embody warmth, wisdom, and a dedication to service that inspires us all.

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