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MMI Faculty, Dr. Rucha Kelkar, published her findings on how yoga reduces pain and Improves function in chronic low back pain in the Journal of Yoga and Physiology.

View the exciting study HERE.

Yoga Therapy

Unite the sister sciences in this IAYT accredited and NAMA recognized program. Explore pathology through the lens of Ayurveda and offer therapeutics from the limbs of yoga with clients on the path of self-healing.

The Author

  • Our community writers are accomplished authors who share their passion for yoga, mindfulness, and wellness through insightful articles on our website. Their writing offers actionable insights and personal stories of transformation, all written with clarity, compassion, and a deep commitment to helping others thrive. Whether teaching yoga or volunteering in the community, our writers embody warmth, wisdom, and a dedication to service that inspires us all.

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