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MMI was honored to present a one night screening of THE DOCTOR FROM INDIA on Aug. 29th at the Landmark Nickelodeon Theater in downtown Santa Cruz. A meditative and immersive portrait of the life and work of Dr. Vasant Lad, the holistic health pioneer who first brought the ancient medical practice of Ayurveda from India to the west in the late 1970s – his first lecture presented at Mount Madonna.

Integrating his gifts as both a healer and a mystic, Dr. Lad has dedicated his life to sharing what is considered the oldest healthcare. Thank you to those who joined us in viewing the beautiful and inspiring story of a man who has for decades been quietly at the center of a revolutionary movement to change the way we care for our bodies and our spirits. Directed by JeremyFrindel with an elegant musical score by Rachel Grimes, and featuring Deepak Chopra, Robert Svoboda, David Frawley, and ClaudiaWelch.

There are still a few nation-wide viewing dates happening this Fall. Click here to see if a screening will be near you!

The Author

  • Our community writers are accomplished authors who share their passion for yoga, mindfulness, and wellness through insightful articles on our website. Their writing offers actionable insights and personal stories of transformation, all written with clarity, compassion, and a deep commitment to helping others thrive. Whether teaching yoga or volunteering in the community, our writers embody warmth, wisdom, and a dedication to service that inspires us all.

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