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All of us at Mount Madonna are deeply saddened by the devastating news of the tragic and deadly shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Our hearts are with the families affected by this tragedy, with the Uvalde community as they respond and grieve this terrible loss, and with our entire nation as we suffer from this tragedy and grieve the loss of so many due to the pandemic.

Tragic events like this bring up a broad range of emotions for everyone and will impact each of us in different ways in the coming days and weeks. We value every member of our extended community and respect our need to process our grief in our unique way. Mount Madonna remains wholeheartedly committed to the values of non-violence and mutual respect that support health and well being throughout our extended community and society. While we cannot alleviate the pain of these tragic events, we remain dedicated to developing safety, compassion, and acceptance through our study, practice and action.

The Author

  • Our community writers are accomplished authors who share their passion for yoga, mindfulness, and wellness through insightful articles on our website. Their writing offers actionable insights and personal stories of transformation, all written with clarity, compassion, and a deep commitment to helping others thrive. Whether teaching yoga or volunteering in the community, our writers embody warmth, wisdom, and a dedication to service that inspires us all.

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