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THE AYURVEDA SOLUTION TO TYPE 2 DIABETESIn honor of Novembers National Diabetes Month, MMI Introduces a Clinically Proven Book and Program to Balance Blood Sugar in 12 Weeks.

THE AYURVEDA SOLUTION TO TYPE 2 DIABETES Book by Jackie Christensen, Ph.D. in Natural Medicine, M.A.-Ayur, Mount Madonna Institute and Pat Crocker, Award-Winning Culinary Herbalist


Type 2 or adult onset diabetes is one of the most significant health challenges we face today. Experts project that by 2035 this preventable disease will affect 592 million people worldwide. But there is hope!

The ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda offers valuable insights to the root causes of this devastating disease and its treatment.

The term Ayurveda is Sanskrit for “knowledge of life.” In The Ayurveda Solution to Type 2 Diabetes, Dr. Jackie Christensen, an expert in the practice of Ayurveda, and Pat Crocker, noted healing food author, shine light on the various factors that contribute to this disease, providing dietary guidelines, lifestyle choices, and other unique therapies to combat the disease naturally and without prescription medicines. In this accessible guide, featuring downloadable forms, you’ll be able to evaluate your own unique Ayurveda body type, and follow a customized 12-week program to balance blood sugar, including:

  • An eight-week elimination diet
  • A one-week detox
  • A three-week reintroduction of foods
  • An exercise journal, relaxation journal
  • A food/ blood-sugar journal to increase accountability
  • And delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes for each body type/constitution

Life is dynamic, always changing. Each meal, each day, provides a new opportunity to follow your body’s natural cues toward well-being. Let The Ayurveda Solution to Type 2 Diabetes be your guide to a more healthful and naturally balanced future.

About Author, JACKIE CHRISTENSEN PH.D. (Santa Cruz, CA) is an Ayurveda Health Consultant and owner of Practice Ayurveda. In addition to her private practice in Santa Cruz, she teach classes at Cabrillo College and Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda, and also serves as a faculty member for the Northern Star Academy of Holistic Studies and Kingdom College of Natural Health. Christensen previously served as a faculty member for the Global College of Natural Medicine and Vancouver Island College of Natural Wellness, where she trained students to become nutritional consultants, herbalists, and holistic health practitioners. Christensen graduated from Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda Master program and earned a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine from the Global College of Natural Medicine.

Christensen is passionate about integrating natural health and education to help people understand how they can improve their unique mind-body type; she believes that people can make simple changes to their diet and lifestyle to eliminate the root cause of disease and heal the body. Her goal as a holistic health provider is to reinvigorate the body and remove toxins that are blocking vital energy; aid the body in its natural course toward healing; assess the whole person, not just the symptoms and search for the underlying causes for imbalance. Christensen believes that humans are individuals and each one is influenced by a multitude of factors including diet, exercise, genetics, attitudes and spiritual beliefs. Everyone is unique and each illness reflects an issue that is exclusive to that person. She is committed to using a wide variety of healing modalities and lifestyle options to help people utilize their internal resources, begin the healing process, and strengthen the mind, body, spirit connection.

To learn more about the book and balancing Type2 Diabetes with Ayurveda, please contact the Author, Jackie Christensen at jackie@mountmadonna.org

The Author

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