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Mini-Course: Ayurvedic Therapies (Online)

In this online course, the theory of Pancha Karma cleansing techniques and Five-Sense Therapy will be introduced. You will explore the Ayurvedic rejuvenation process called Rasayana. Students will learn strategies for Rasayana using herbs, diet, and nutritional support with the goal of slowing or reversing excessive aging, building immune strength and preventing disease. This course offers an introductory view of Ayurvedic anatomy of the ear, nose, throat, and neck. This cursory understanding of the head and neck region allows students to study and address common disorders of the head and neck through diet and bodywork recommendations.

7 hours

  • Saturday, June 15 | 9:30am-12:30pm, 1:30-5:30pm PT


Saturday, Jun 15, 2024






  • Manisha Kshirsagar
    Manisha Kshirsagar

    Manisha is trained at the Indian College of Naturopathy and qualified as a Yoga Instructor from the Kaivalyadham University in India. Dr. Manisha has been teaching Ayurveda and Yoga for more than 15 years. She specializes in women and infant health, skin care and natural beauty treatments. She offers regular workshops on Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking, panchakarma and herbology.

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