The Heart Knows
By Sarojani Rohan
in the same way that trees
always have spaces in their foliage
to allow free passage.
No fees.
No passports.
No species of insect or bird denied.
No human turned away.
The map of the human heart
has mountainous regions
beckoning all who soar
or dream of flight,
and glacial streams
making their way home to the sea
equally befriending shore birds and boulders
fallen branches and bronzed river rafters.
The chambers of the heart
hold blueprints of exotic blossoms
whose fragrance alone
could end a war
or birth a new galaxy
and campfires of the lost and found
who have sought anchor and refuge
in the quiet places of earth.
Our shared heartbeat
echoes through the canyons of sage and coyote brush
with the wild mustangs
as they teach us of survival
sustained by open skies
prairie grasses
and freedom.
The heart knows
as the desert knows,
just how little is needed
to live a life of beauty.
Find that way.
Remember what to keep
and what to let go.

Path Toward Peace
By Ratna Sturz
As we bring another year to a close, we find ourselves surrounded by the holiday spirit and a deep longing for Peace on Earth.
The practice of yoga reminds us that we each can be a light toward creating and sustaining that peace.
When people asked master yogi Baba Hari Dass if world peace was possible, he would often point out how challenging it can be for even two people to get along; yet he would also emphasize regular sadhana, regular intentional practice, as a way toward peace for all. Once when he was asked to sum up his teachings in a way that could be taken home and practiced, Babaji responded: “make each moment peaceful.”
Babaji’s teachings were forthright and simple: the power of our own minds can be focused to deliberately create our reality. This is not to suggest that such effort at conditioning the mind is easy, but rather to provide comfort and encouragement, knowing that there truly is a path towards peace and we have the capacity to realize it.
Through creating a peaceful state for ourselves, we are spreading positive seeds on Earth.
Though peace may sometimes feel out of reach, we can look for inspiration all around us. We can find calm in the beauty of nature. We can focus on the abundance of kind thoughts, positive actions, and uplifting stories of sharing, sacrifice, and care. We can feel the love of friends and families gathering, prayers being offered, and the many blessings of community and coming together.
Amidst routine of our human existence, we can chart a course that cultivates and supports a peaceful way of being. We know this through our sadhana and through the gift of each other, our brothers and sisters on this path toward greater light and love. The path of yoga brings us closer to the realization of our oneness with others and all of creation.
Mount Madonna seeks to offer a learning and practicing environment where the path toward peace is valued and given prominence, where sacred rituals are enacted, and where the land is honored. The center and teachings provide a refuge where all are supported in our aims toward personal transformation and discovering the deeper truths within ourselves.
Wishing everyone much love and peace. May your light spread far and wide.
May the New Year bring you abundant joy and happiness, and may your presence serve as a touchstone for others.