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at Mount Madonna, California

Ayurvedic Health



Come build your career as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, supported by world-renowned professors of Ayurvedic medicine. Mount Madonna Institute’s Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC) program is offered over a 12-month period and consists of successful completion of the six-month Ayurveda Educator (AE) curriculum – where you will  experience interactive lectures, yoga (asana, pranayama & meditation) classes, clinical observations, and integration sessions – followed by 180 hours of in-person practicum.
The practicum, which is completed over the second six-month period, comprise two 10-day in-person courses designed to give you supervised practical knowledge, and where you will apply theory to practice through a variety of hands-on learning experiences in Ayurvedic Diagnosis, Nutrition, Herbology, Lifestyle Practices, Yoga, Chanting/Sanskrit, Ayurvedic Therapies, Jyotish, Professional Practices, Case Study and Client Interactions. Additionally, you will meet monthly for integration sessions and complete your clinical hours with ongoing online supervision.

The AHC curriculum is the foundation for further studies, including Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy or a Masters Degree in Ayurveda.

Apply for the Ayurveda Educator (AE) program, noting your desire to continue into the AHC program. Later you will have an opportunity to apply for the AHC Practicums through a separate application.

ayurvedic health counselor

What You Will Learn

Classical Ayurvedic Knowledge

  • Constitutional Assessment
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Sanskrit
  • Ayurvedic Anatomy, Physiology and Biology
  • Ayurvedic Nutrition and Herbology
  • Ayurvedic Psychology
  • Ethics, Counseling, and Western Interface
  • Ayurvedic Therapies
  • Jyotish: Vedic Astrology
  • ENT and Sense Therapies
  • Women’s and Children’s Health
  • Clinical Internship

What You Can Do

Motivate, educate, and support clients

  • Start a clinical practice
  • Join an integrative healthcare practice as a Diet and Lifestyle Counselor
  • Work as a personal chef
  • Offer Ayurvedic bodywork in a massage practice
  • Integrate Ayurveda into your yoga instruction
  • Corporate coaching
  • Develop Ayurveda-inspired products
  • Write books on Ayurveda

2024 DATES

Online Dates:
January 18-21
February 15-18
March 21-24
April 18-21
May 16-19
June 13-16

In-Person Dates:
July 8-17 and
September 8-17


AE Program: $4,450 +
AHC Practicum: $5,220
Total: $9,670


More Information

Contact the Admissions Counselor for questions and enrollment assistance via email or phone.

Ayurvedic Health Counselor

Sample Online Monthly Schedule (Subject to Change)

Thursday Evening
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Integration 2 hr
Friday – Sunday
7:00 am - 8:30 am Yoga 1.5 hr
9:30 am - 12:30 pm Lecture / Integration 3 hr
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm Lecture / Integration 4 hr
Tuesday Evenings
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Lecture / Integration 2 hr
*Pacific Time Zone

Sample In-Person Daily Schedule (Subject to Change)

7:00 am - 8:30 am Yoga 1.5 hr
9:30 am - 12:30 pm Lecture / Practicum 3 hr
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm Lecture / Practicum 4 hr
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Lecture / Practicum 1.5 hr
*Pacific Time Zone

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  • 4 college level credits of Anatomy and Physiology


  • Applicants unable to complete A&P before the application deadline may join our Foundations program and complete A&P concurrently.

Content Delivery

  • Each extended weekend module is offered online from Thursday 5:00 pm PT through Sunday 5:30 pm PT with Friday and Saturday evenings off. Modules include yoga and coursework.
  • Classes also meet weekly online on Tuesday nights from 5:00-7:00 pm.
  • Sanskrit meets monthly on Thursday night from 5:00-7:00 pm PT.
  • In person practicums and clinical internships are scheduled over two 10-day sessions.

Where your certificate can lead you

Ayurvedic Practitioner

A 17-month program: 15 modules of coursework, 3 of which are in-person clinical practice with 2 months to complete follow-ups and case studies.

Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

The Ayurvedic Health Counselor program and the Advanced Yoga Studies (YTT 300) plus a 6-month integration followed by a year of clinical practice.

Master of Arts

A 19-month program:  15 months of coursework, followed by 4 months to complete online clinical follow-up appointments, 60-hour Clinical Apprenticeship and Research Journal Club.

AHC Tuition & Fees

Estimated total does not include meals & lodginG

Estimated total does not include meals and lodging. Your meals and lodging cost is based upon your housing selection and length of stay.

AyurvedA Educator (AE) 6 months of online learning

Tuition Cost Only
Application Fee*
Estimated Textbooks
Total Estimated Academic Charges

*Application fee is non-refundable

Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC) in-person practicum only

Tuition Cost Only
Application Fee*
Estimated Textbooks
Total Estimated Academic Charges

*Application fee is non-refundable

Studying Affordably

Financial Aid opportunities for your education

  • Scholarship: Check the scholarship box on your application.
  • Payment Plans: Available to all students. Talk to an admissions counselor for more information!

Ayurveda Faculty & Staff

rucha kelkar

Rucha Kelkar,
B.A.M.S., D.P.T.

manas kshirsagar

Manas Kshirsagar,

krista farey

Krista Farey,
M.D., M.A.

mount madonna center icon

Course Descriptions

Yoga & Meditation

Course No. AY 100. Prerequisites: None
This course introduces the practice of yoga. Students are required to learn and perform yoga postures, breathing practices, and meditation practices. This course is taken concurrently with AY 101, AY 102, AY 103, AY 104, AY 105, AY 106, AY 107, AY 109, AY 111, AY 112, AY 113, AY 115, AY 130, AY 150.

Introduction to Ayurveda Course

Course No. AY 101
Description: This course introduces students to the 5,000-year-old tradition of Ayurveda, its aims and objectives, basic principles, concepts of health and disease, methods of examining patients, and treatment methods.

Students gain a solid foundation in the science, history, and philosophy of Ayurveda. They are introduced to the concepts of individual nature and dosha imbalance as the basis for diagnosis of health and disease, as well as the five-element theory.

Ayurvedic Anatomy & Physiology

Course No. AY 102
Description: This course examines the disease process in Ayurvedic medicine, including Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology, the cause of disease, the stages of disease, formation of tissues, and classification of disease. Students learn the process of constitutional analysis.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management

Course No. AY 103
Description: This course introduces the student to Ayurvedic recommendations for creating healthy lifestyles, daily and seasonal routines, yogic cleansing practices, and self-care. Students also learn therapies focusing on the five senses.

Yoga & Ayurveda

Course No. AY 104
Description: This course teaches yoga philosophy and practice and its benefits in health and disease prevention. Students learn the Ayurvedic effects of different styles of yoga practice, yogic cleansing for disease prevention, and meditation and breathing practices to restore healthy balance to mind and body.

Ayurvedic Nutrition

Course No. AY 105
Description: This course introduces the principles of Ayurvedic nutrition and digestion. Students will learn the use of diet and nutrition programs in health and disease, individual guidelines for diet, and a balanced diet for the seasons, while exploring the Ayurvedic approach to the energetics of food.

Ayurvedic Psychology (Ayurveda & the Mind)

Course No. AY 106
Description: This course introduces the student to the energetics of consciousness, the Ayurvedic description of the mind, and therapies to support the mind. Fundamental concepts of manas, prakruti and vikruti, the effects of sensory input on the mind, and approaches to managing mental health are explored.

Ayurvedic Herbology I

Course No. AY 107
Description: This course continues to study nutrition and introduces the traditional use of herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Students learn the therapeutic use of food and spices, using food as medicine. The course introduces Ayurvedic foods to balance the doshas and maintain health.

Students will study Ayurvedic herbal philosophy and practices, the Herbal Materia Medica, and the terminology of herbal actions. They begin to understand the use of Ayurvedic herbs to restore physical and psychological balance.

Ayurvedic Assessment

Course No. AY 109
Description: Students are introduced to modes of diagnosis including pulse reading, tongue diagnosis, face-analysis, assessing the mental state, and dhatus, malas and srotamsi. Students practice these modes during outside assignments, practicum and clinic.

Western Interface

Course No. AY111
Description: This course offers the opportunity to explore the interface between Ayurveda and allopathic medicine, helps students understand healthy client practitioner relationships and boundaries, and clarifies scope of practice and the code of ethics for all Ayurvedic Health Counselors.

Ayurvedic Therapies

Course No. AY 112
Description: The theory of Pancha Karma cleansing techniques and Five-Sense Therapy will be introduced. This course explores the Ayurvedic rejuvenation process called Rasayana. Students will learn strategies for Rasayana using herbs, diet, and nutritional support with the goal of slowing or reversing excessive aging, building immune strength, and preventing disease.

This course offers an introductory view of Ayurvedic anatomy of the ear, nose, throat, and neck. This cursory understanding of the head and neck region allows students to study and address common disorders of the head and neck through diet and bodywork recommendations.

Women’s Health, Pre & Post Natal, Pediatrics

Course No. AY 113
This course introduces students to the foundations of women’s health including fertility, menstrual cycle, and menopause, offering recommendations to support imbalances. The course also covers Ayurvedic recommendations for supporting healthy conception, prenatal and postnatal care for expectant mothers, and care for young children.

Ethics and Professional Practices

Course No. AY 115
This course examines the Mount Madonna Code of Ethics as it applies to Ayurvedic Practitioners. Students are introduced to counseling practices as they pertain to client interactions and goal setting. Students explore the business skills involved in setting up and sustaining a professional practice. Topics include marketing, finance, and legal considerations.

Jyotish – Vedic Astrology

Course No. AY 116
Description: Students are introduced to the subtle sister science of Ayurveda, Jyotish (Vedic astrology). Students learn the fundamental concepts of Jyotish, how it can complement client care, and when clients may be referred to an experienced Jyotish practitioner.


Course No. AY 130
Description: This course introduces the student to the ancient Vedic language of Sanskrit. Students learn to read, write, and chant Sanskrit. This course is taken concurrently with AY 100, AY 101, AY 102, AY 103, AY 104, AY 105, AY 106, AY 107, AY 109, AY 111, AY 112, AY 113, AY 115, AY 150.

Ayurvedic Foundational Integration I

Course No. AY 150
Description: Students spend time integrating the content of the courses of the weekend while engaging in practical applications of the principles covered. This course is taken concurrently with AY 100, AY 101, AY 102, AY 103, AY 104, AY 105, AY 106, AY 107, AY 109, AY 111, AY 112, AY 113, AY 115, AY 130


Secure and Intuitive

Populi is a web-based learning management system (LMS). It covers academics, admissions, billing, people, reporting, library, integrated email and calendar. MMI uses Populi as its student information and learning management system, where all student and classroom activity is recorded. Application, enrollment, course work, lessons, assignments, quizzes, grades, transcripts, and financial balances are all located in Populi.


Open House & Info Sessions

Join us for an In-Person Open House or an Online Information Session to learn about upcoming Yoga & Ayurveda Programs.


More Information

Schedule a Call

Schedule a conversation with us, plan a personalized visit, or call our Admissions Counselor directly at (408) 846-4060.



Frequently asked questions about our Ayurveda programs.

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