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Yoga Philosophy Class | Yoga Sutra (Free)

Online | Tuesdays 9:15-10:45am PT

At Mount Madonna, we have been gathering to study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali under the leadership of Baba Hari Dass since 1974. The class goes in depth each week and explores one sutra at a time so that everyone can integrate new learnings into their life. Even though Babaji left his body in 2018, the power of the transmission of his yogic knowledge is felt each time the class meets.

The class begins with Vedic mantras for healing, and in praise of the universal Self that permeates all. Then we take time to welcome new folks to this on-going study by setting context and introducing the bigger concepts that are woven throughout the sutras. After chanting in Sanskrit, we read commentaries that help to explain the sutra. This is followed by guided meditation to seat the sutra knowledge deep within. Lastly, we share insights, questions, and discussion to further bring the sutras to life and make them meaningful for everyone. Whether you are new to Yoga Sutra study, or have studied for a long time, the satsang of learners is a great support and lots of fun. Please join.

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Tuesday, Jul 02, 2024


9:15 am - 10:45 am


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